FreshGrade Consent Form
Our class will be using the Portfolio & Assessment Platform FreshGrade. It will allow parents – once their consent has been given – to receive ongoing information about their child’s learning via an online portfolio. This information may take the form of informal notes, pictures, or links to video or audio. You will receive these updates via email, or through the product’s app, if you so choose. Feedback you receive will detail:
- Your child’s accomplishments
- Areas of learning that need attention
- Ways you can support your child’s learning
Benefits of using FreshGrade
- Consistent, real time, communication about your child’s progress and learning
- Provide opportunities to comment, interact, and support your child’s learning
- Allows teacher to track progress of students and monitor learning in real time
- Allow students to learn skills otherwise unavailable to them
- Document student learning from cross curricular sources
Why the need for a permission slip?
As a school we are subject to the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The Act is designed to protect the privacy students. Your child’s teacher will not be able to use the personal information of a student (e.g., first name, last name, school, grade, teacher, class, etc.) including student work without written consent of the student’s parent or guardian.
In the same way that you can request a child not participate in a field trip, you can opt out of these activities on behalf of your child and they will be provided alternative work with no impact on grading or assessment.