Navigate NIDES
School Goals
Personalization of Learning: Students will demonstrate increased autonomy in the direction of their learning.
Engagement in Learning: Students will develop their individual passions, mastery, and sense of pride in their learning.
Sense of Belonging: Students will feel connected, safe and valued as members of the Navigate learning community.
Navigate NIDES
Rationale For Goals
Personalization: In response to the BC Curriculum, the BC Education Plan and current educational research, the personalization of learning is a priority for Navigate and the District. Navigate has been a provincial leader in the development of Student Learning Plans (SLPs) for many years. The need to provide choice in learning activities and assessment, as well as greater student voice in the direction of their learning is essential to develop a great sense of autonomy and self-direction (executive functioning).
Engagement in Learning: Increasing student engagement in learning is critical to student achievement and the professional efficacy of our staff. Developing dynamic and engaging curriculum and assessment practices that address student diversity is a critical component of student success.
Sense of Belonging: Social, cognitive and teacher presence are all critical components of student success in online and blended learning environments (COI Model). Having a sense of belonging and safety, as well as feeling valued by their peers, mentors and teachers are all essential aspects of connecting students to their learning as a community. Developing a sense of belonging is a critical factor in developing the student’s self-esteem. The school’s focus on developing every student’s sense of belonging aligns with the goals of Indigenous Education in SD #71 and the District.
Navigate NIDES
Goal Strategies
- Students will develop a sense of their own learning style and creative passions, as well as opportunities to reflect on their personal growth on a continuing basis.
- Students will have increased opportunities for choice in their assignments and assessment.
- Students will demonstrate growth in their ability to actively participate in the direction of their learning (K-12).
- Students will have increased opportunities to engage in project-based/inquiry learning and integrated studies in all programs and courses K-12.
- Students will have be able to assess, communicate and demonstrate their learning using a variety of methods.
- Students will have expanding opportunities for engaging in multi-grade learning environments and benefit from growing access to, as well as opportunities to become community mentors/champions of learning.
- Students will grow in their understanding, appreciation and ability to explore, take risks and grow from failure as part of the normal learning sequence.
- Students will have increased access to forums for social belonging that enhance connection and collaboration.
- Students will have expanding opportunities for extra-curricular participation in clubs, teams and activities.
- Students will have increased opportunities for developing their social emotional skills and awareness, to practice mindfulness and kindness in their relationships in both face-to-face and online learning environments.
- The school will build greater opportunities for community building, collegiality and communication across distance and programming.
Navigate NIDES
Goal Champions/Monitors
- Personalization
- Engagement
- Belonging